Button down vs. Mini button down Collar

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There is a clear winner here… (depending on you ;))

As you may have guessed, whether or not to choose a button down vs. mini button down depends on you. Are you a shorter dude, in a smaller frame? Then a mini button down is a great choice. Are you an average to above average guy? Then the regular button down is a great choice.

Something to definitely consider, is that ties work much better with a regular button down vs. a mini button down.

Here’s some more specific info regarding the two collar types:

Regular Button Down 

Typically this collar is more casual and is matched with corresponding casual fabrics

(think oxfords, flannels and ginghams). A button down collar pairs well with a single button barrel cuff.


The Mini Button Down 

This is a more modern take on the classic button down collar.

Perfect for someone who is a little more fashion forward. A mini button down collar pairs well with a single button or double button barrel cuff.


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